Public Panel Discussions, Presentations, and Talks

Selected talks and presentations



Panelist: Shifting the Paradigm: Cultural Studies Graduate Symposium, University of Winnipeg


Conversation with Michelle Sylliboy, Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery

Curatorial Talk for H/EARD Residency, Marion Nicoll Gallery

Conversation with Susan Blight, The Robert McLaughlin Gallery

Moderator: Conversations on Ezhi-gashiwing Deniiwan: Part 2, The Robert McLaughlin Gallery


Atautchikun | wâhkôtamowin Opening Celebration, Remai Modern

Conversation with seth cardinal dodinghorse, Dunlop Art Gallery


Moderator: Taskoch pipon kona kah nipa muskoseya, nepin pesim eti pimachihew publication launch, TRUCK Contemporary Art

Organizer and moderator: Mamanaw Pekiskwewina | Mother Tongues Gathering, TRUCK Contemporary Art & the Calgary Central Library

Moderator: Tina Guyani | Deer Road Round Table Discussion, Art Gallery of Guelph